Matteo Masi is studying for a PhD in the department of Psychology at the University of Milano - Bicocca and the University of Surrey, UK. He is a member of Dr. Brambilla’s Social Cognition and Perception Lab. He is currently working on a three-years project regarding how we develop and update impressions from faces and voices. Moreover, he collaborates in other studies falling broadly in the same field.
PhD in Experimental and Applied Psychology, 2022 (expected)
University of Milano - Bicocca / University of Surrey
MSc in Applied and Experimental Psychological Sciences, 2019
University of Milano - Bicocca
BSc in Psychological Sciences, 2017
University of Milano - Bicocca
Supervisor: Dr. Keren Sharvit
Supervisor: Dr. Marco Brambilla
Investigators: Marco Brambilla, Matteo Masi, Simone Mattavelli
3-years PhD project